Canadian Patriot 14: Republic or Colony?

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The Canadian History Project advanced by the discoveries located in the following reports aims to unravel the Gordian knot of British revisionist historians that have skewered any honest analysis of Canada's creation and evolution which has made any truthful understanding of causality impossible for the seeker of knowledge. Beaudry and Ainsworth begin their investigations not with any arbitrary bias towards one relative opinion or another as guide to piecing events and dates together as is so customarily the case with modern history projects today. The method adopted by the authors of the following reports is to be found instead in what Gottfried Leibniz called Analysis Situs, or the study of necessary causes.

This is only possible through an understanding of the schism in two diametrically opposed worldviews expressed as the Oligarchic-Imperialist vs the republican-Humanist traditions that has shaped the unfolding of all known human history and have risen to the surface on certain key "moments of change" that we often call "historical events". Modern examples can be found in the explosion of scientific, and artistic ideas that occurred with the 15th century golden Renaissance in Florence, the American Revolution of 1776 and Lincoln's victory against the insurrection of 1861-65.

Such singularities, though located in space and time express functions that scientists have historically referred to as "universals" which transcend those space time events that their existence necessarily brought into "being". Sensitivity to the nature of such singularities is necessary to prescribe proper meaning to events preceding and following them including in other spacial locations around the globe not materially connected to thern. The absence of such a sensitivity reduces the historian to nothing more than a chronicler that can do little more than copy paste their own subjective biases upon the

"events" without any concern for actual truth. Too often such chroniclers are recruited unwittingly or not, to become little more than propagandists for the imperialist's agenda in the revisionist obscuring of history.

Canada's true history is thus revealed as a consequence to "singular events" defined by the Renaissance traditions of Europe, given new life in America and those agencies which have sought existentially to destroy such traditions called most recently the "British Empire". We hope that the internalizing of this history will provide current and future generations the power to recognize the present as a pregnant moment in the future's history. 

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Canadian Patriot 14: Republic or Colony?

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